Monday, 17 June 2013

Day 1 - The Beginning

Today is phase 1 of my 17 day diet! All has been going great.  Thankfully today I didn't have to go to work as I requested a day of vacation because I had a doctor appointment today regarding my nose and how I can get relief as I am having constant stuffy noses which interfere with my sleep.

 I hope this post will motivate people to join me (or at least make a change) to their health and how they eat.

Here is an outline of my First Day -

Breakfast: 1 Probiotic Yogurt

11am snack: 1 Banana

Went for a 30 minute walk

Lunch: 1 poached egg.  I also made a stir fry of vegetables with a drizzle of light soy sauce

A small trick on how I am making water taste better: I chop up some cucumbers and add lemon juice

After my Dr appointment I had my 2nd probiotic yogurt

Craig came home - Dinner is steamed chicken and veggies.

Off to gym afterwards!


  1. I'll be curious to hear what you get for answers on your chronic stuffy nose. I used to have that and it turned out to be low-level allergies to greenery, i.e. some trees, grass, etc. Once I began taking Claritin every day, regardless of the season, it cleared up.

    How many calories per day is this diet? It doesn't sound like a lot.

  2. Ya I have hayfever but I still get stuffy noses somehow.
    I had nose surgery last year. They gave me pills and nasal spray.

    I think its about 2,000
