Saturday July 6th 2013
- Got up - Had breakfast and cleaned house
- Joe (a senior citizen who is one of many volunteers at the gym - opened the gym today for me :) )
- Craig watched F1 qualifying from 11 am to 2pm
- Had omlette for lunch
- After F1 was over we went to Dalton Park (similar to Albertville) to buy me some new sneakers (well more to replacement my old New Balance Pair)
- We then went to Cineworld to see The Internship. Really great film. I laughed and so did Craig.

July 7th 2013
- Woke up - got dressed
- we decided to head into Durham for a nice cup of Starbucks along with eating various fruits.
- Afterwards we headed to BHS - where I tried on 4 different style dresses because I am attending a wedding outdoor reception with Craig July 20th. A funny moment happened after I left the dressing room wearing Dress #1 - When I came out to show Craig my dress - another woman also came out of the changing room wearing the exact same dress as me. We looked at each other and laughed it off. Craig said the dress looked great on me! But the other woman's husband said - that it didn't suit her. Craig commented to her that he thought it looked good and she agreed with him.
- I mentioned to Craig earlier today (while in Stabucks) there was going to be a scavenger hunt today for 2 free tickets to see Avenue Q (I love this musical!) at Oil Lamp Productions - he wasn't 100% certain that he wanted to stay around in Durham as today was also F1 in Germany. Though we waited a little after 11:40am and the first clue came out! He then decided he wanted to participate and the hunt was on!
- The first clue said - knock 3 times for sanctuary and Craig immediately figured out Trekkie (one of the characters) was at the Cathedral. He was on to them! We reached the front part of the cathedral and I thought I would ask these volunteers if they had seen a man with a puppet. They said they hadn't seen them and we resumed searching in the Cathedral.
- We eagerly awaited the 2nd clue - and read this message on Craig's twitter stream: We've been rumbled the hunt is on. (Apparently these volunteers I asked had Trekkie and I never knew nor did Craig see the puppet. We thought it was on one of the bridges - and later found out we got it wrong.
- Clue #2 - The kings gate over looks the river. Be quick he won't stay here for long. We immediately thought of one of the bridges near the Cathedral and later to find out he wasn't there. Oh do I also mention it was nice and hot outside and Craig and I were wearing jeans - ya I was sweating for sure! Then we decided to walk alongside the river and back into town. I forgot my phone and Craig's battery was nearly dead - so we hurried to find a place where he could get signal. We waited at the top of the market place in a sweat waiting for the next clue.
- Clue #3 - All assemble at avenue Q. Note: All photos are property of Oil Lamp Productions Twitter Stream
- This is where the performance will be - The Assembly Room. Craig and I started walking at a fast pace - I wanted us to be quick because he could move once we got there! I could see him and started sprinting and yelled "I am not wearing underwear" that was what we had to say! And I won! We won!
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