I love to fly! I'm not really loyal to a specific airline per say -
though I do miss Northwest. The main reason for this blog is for me to
get my voice across and hope people can understand where I'm coming
One day before flying on Delta I was able to get an aisle seat for $39
(better than paying nearly $100 for economy comfort) so I was happy that
I'd be all comfortable (as my to fly was middle seat only).
I get on the airplane and find out in my section is a family - don't get
me wrong I really love kids (mainly toddlers and up) but they
apparently were suppose to have a bassinet but it didn't happen so I
talked to this flight attendant and was praying so hard I could get
moved - first class looked really good too but sadly they couldn't
rearrange a seat for me. What is even more comical there is another baby
a row in front of us.
Thankfully my music can tune out the crying! I remember hearing
something about an airline in Europe or Asia about having a pacific
section for families - and I can understand both sides of the coin but a
good portion of the people on the plan are teens, young adults, elderly
etc. I mean we pay as much money as them and should be able to enjoy
our flight instead be outraged and want to crawl into a ball.
Oh better yet! The man sitting in front of me reclines his seat! I never
do that as I'm respectful and at that point the video monitor is
slanted. I mean as consumers we shouldn't tolerate this.
So as my mouth starts to quiver and tears start to roll off my cheeks I
will write to Delta. How dare I be treated like this. Even though when
writing this post we haven't been in the air for less than 30 minutes I
just want to get off this plane and scream!
It's funny airlines use social media to help us but the flight
attendants don't really do their job well in making the trip pleasant.
On one last note when I look around to other people for sympathy but nope nobody carries eye contact these days
P.p.s. the video monitors went completely dead for some rows on the
airline - and listen to this they have given up fixing it - seriously I
depend on watching movies to help pass time.
It is not cool viewing a movie then it stops and you can't continue it.
Shame on Delta! You are on my naughty list.
I love kids too, but I hate it when I can’t tune out their crying and I’m lacking in sleep, or when I’m in the middle of doing something important. That’s when earplugs come in handy; they make flying with crying babies bearable, at the very least. Freeman @ EarPeace.com