Sunday, 17 March 2013

Ahoy There! I've Been Invite Back!

The following is a guest post by Craig Butters (@craigbutters), who blogs over at and has suffered the past 102 days - what seems like an eternity - with the plight of an American girl, desperately seeking employment I don’t know what anymore in good ol’ Blighty.
It’s been over seven months since I last blogged here (no one ever said I would be contributing regularly), but the last time I did put my words on this very blog post you read in your hundreds and I, Craig Butters – an Englishman on an American blog – held the “most read post” from August through to December.  And then….
….and then Katie wrote something in December that you apparently all wanted to read and my post was relegated into second position on the hit parade.  <Insert sad face here>.  So, rather than sulk and be upset, I’ve decided that I can live with the competition, but thusly I’m back to reclaim my spot with the most read post on this blog – so here it goes, and tell your friends!
Katie Goes GaGa
Living with an American is, as we discovered in my last post not an easy proposition for a Brit used to living alone, but for those 102 days I managed and I kept heading in onedirection – onwards!  I’ve now lost count of the total amount of days it has been, but that’s only because I’ve been having an absolutely blast instead.  I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve laughed and had to invent new ways of keeping this kid entertained; who else had two Christmases?! 
Not that it has been a total one way street of course – I’ve been introduced to spa days, massages and proper English tea (who knew you could drink tea in England?). 
The one thing that has changed entirely though is that my passion for baking has been re-ignited – never have I had such a willing victim volunteer to sample my kitchen delights; breads, cakes, pies and experimental bakes.
But that is not what this post is about, this post is about driving traffic and letting you enjoy my words; as Steve Jobs’ of Apple once said “It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.
Catch Up
What to write about then?  If you’ve been following this blog, then you already know exactly what I’ve been getting up to with Katie, so that’s out as far as subject matter is concerned.  I could write about Microsoft, which I often do over on my own blog.  I could tell you all about Surface verse the latest iPad or the advances of Windows Phone compared to the iPhone or Google’s Android operating system.  But those subjects are a perhaps a bit too techie and you may think me a geek if I bore you with the intricate details of the varying technologies on offer today.
I could write about the wonderful sport of Formula 1 and my beloved Ferrari team, but F1 doesn’t travel well when it comes to the Americas and I’m going for maximum exposure here – it is the only way to reach and reclaim the top spot.
The Future of the World
I can tell you about the last book I read (“Abundance”), which I thoroughly enjoyed, which explored the future of our very own planet Earth and how our various scarce resources are being stretched, only for our human being genius to innovate our way out of problems such as the generation of clean drinking water for all, power consumption needs are met, food is readily available, the environment is balanced and most curiously of all the exact reason why Bill Gates wants to invest his money on re-designing the humble toilet….
….but that would be vastly unfair, as you really should buy the book yourself on my recommendation and form your own opinions on the state of the future of the world!
I could announce the news that I’ve renewed my passport – but there’s not much of a story to it and technically, I’ve already just told you of that news!  I could tell you about the films I’ve seen recently and I could tell you stories about all of the latest gossip and going-ons; but I won’t because you can, quite frankly, get more interesting gossip and (probably) far better film reviews from your local Starbucks barista – and enjoy a great latte at the same time!
The stories I could reel off about my work are absolutely endless – most of you don’t know, I often have a great story from work and on those occasions that I do not, I most likely have a complaint or a grump to bemoan that I could, given time and the inclination, write endlessly about in a most appropriate and entertaining way (most of them would likely make good reading for a future book deal should anyone be interested in financing me at some point in the future?)
I’ve worked most weekends this year, so the stories and events have certainly stacked up.
So What Then?
So, what do I want to tell you in this blog post?  It’s easy, the only thing that I want to tell you and all relay in this blog post message is that all is well and there is lots going on here!  It’s that simple.  Life is good and I’m happy and we hope that you are too.
It’s that simple a message. 



A Final Admission
Ok, so maybe that isn’t the end of this post, there is a bit more.  I am, after all as I confessed to earlier a competitive soul and as I stated in the sixth paragraph right under your very nose “this post is about driving traffic”, which is why you’ll have noticed that the entire thing is littered with pop culture and references that are designed to stretch this post into the indexes of the search engines.
That’s right, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).  I may not be an SEO expert, but even I know that by mentioning just a few of the very popular key terms some traffic, no matter how small, may stumble across this very blog and vault me back to the top of the hit parade once again.  Just read back through and you'll see the following:
  • Lady GaGo
  • One Direction
  • Steve Jobs
  • Bill Gates
  • Apple iPad / iPhone
  • Android
  • Microsoft
  • Surface
  • Google
  • Formula 1
  • Ferrari
  • Starbucks
It’s a dirty, cheap tactic, but the competition in me is far too great to pass up an opportunity and prove that I can attract the audiences to my writings – and for that I thank each and every one of you who read along.
My final promise is that my post on this site will be a little more interesting….that is, if I’m ever permitted to guest post here again.  Till then, stay safe, stay well and remember;
“It’s far better to be a pirate, than to join the navy!”

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