Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! (Well technically not really but it is for Craig & I) as I am leaving to go home next Sunday. What a fun day we have had - here is the endless fun and excitement of a joyful day I have had with this gorgeous man.
- Woke up and we got to open presents this morning. We didn't really give each other many hints what we wanted - but let's say we both came out pretty good :)
- Had a scrumptious breakfast - fresh warm pancakes made by Craigy B (that is what I call him)
- Both of us got dressed and headed out in the windy blue yonder to Durham
- We stopped at a few shops - Tesco to buy ingrediants for our cookies, BHS to buy a pair of jeans (for me) and River Island for Craigy B (so he could use his
£10 gift card towards 2 tops)
Before we left for home our last stop was Starbucks - I had egg nog latte and Craig had Praline Mocha.
- Then we made cookies - decorated them - let them dry
- Put away laundry - sorted out my luggage for next week
- Now we are going to be watching Elf - and have some dinner!
- Skyped with mom
Our Christmas presents (mine on the left and Craigy B on the right) |
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yummy pancakes for breakfast |
Cookies cooling |
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All Decorated |
Totally loved Elf tonight! I can't believe it was from 2003 - Craig was surprised I hadn't seen it either. Here is a clip if anyone is interested in watching a GREAT Christmas Movie!
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