Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Day 1 (May 14 2012)

Another sleepless night due to all the excitement of traveling back to England. This was my first morning to sleep in *as Friday was my last day for nanny/dogsitting job. Finished packing - it's so hard not to know what exactly to pack if I do secure a job in time. If only I had a luggage electronic weigher.
I visited my grandma (nina) and my Uncle Bobby in the morning which was really great + I wanted to drive again. Once I came back home - got all my luggage ready and headed off to Pittsburg Blue at Galleria with my parents. Had a lovely lunch outside (85F) - I split a cheeseburger with mom :D
Afterwards mom drove us to DQ quick and we got baby dipped chocolate cones (mmm). Then we went home for awhile - headed off to the airport. Security was dead easy. It's quite hard as a woman traveling with 3 bags - but I have managed. Connected in Philly at 7.40pm ET and my Manchester flight was scheduled to leave at 8.40ET. Very annoying our flight came in on time - but silly me not doing any research of Philly airport I had to run to the gate. Yes - I was sweating holding my duffel bag and laptop bag on my shoulder. Thankfully I got there in the nick of time - but there were 2 older ladies who had to come far away and one of them was asthmatic. I am planning on sending a complaint to US Airways because they hardly helped people with connections to get there in time -- the man just said it was a walk (but seriously how long?). Flight was good - sat by a nice couple in their 20s. Chatted with them. Tried to sleep but that didn't work.

Signing off ::waves:: 

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