Sunday, 27 October 2013


Can you believe October is almost over? Where have the days gone?! Just a quick recap of what is going on in my world. * I start a temp job tomorrow (M W F 2-5pm) with Durham University, I am still looking for more hours but it is a start! * Craig has been a baking machine - baking so many loaves and 1 carrot cake * I had my flu shot recently - and my upper right arm is still in some pain. * I am still going to the community gym every day! Though they are closed on Sundays. * Daylight savings time has started - so it gets dark at 5pm :( * No more word about my visa - still waiting * Last Wednesday Craig and I saw Fifth Estate - good film, based on the truth. I would give it 3/5 stars.

* My birthday is next month and Craig and I are going to Windermere for a few nights so that will be fun.

Well I am off to get my clothes ready for tomorrow! Bye. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Date Night

Greetings friends! Most of you know Craig and I have date nights every Wednesday where we go to the cinema to see a film (no cost for either of us). Well because so many good films are out at the moment we decided to see a movie Sunday evening, thought it would be a nice treat after having to fill out my visa application AGAIN (we missed 1pg that required signatures).  So tonight we saw a great film called Enough Said. I really recommend this film to anyone! Sadly the main actor passed away a month or two ago due to a heart attack. 

 I give this film an A+. One of the reasons I really loved this film is because Julia Louis-Dreyfus was in it - and she was my favorite character is Seinfeld. To anyone who has never watched any of the series I highly suggest you go on Netflix or your local library!

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Sorry friends I haven't written lately. Nothing new has been going on. There is a possibility in the pot about a job so I am really hoping I get it! Over the weekend Craig and I saw his parents. Fall is here which means layering up, wearing mittens in the house and constantly filling up the hot water bottle.  (Apparently I get cold easily Craig says!). I can't believe we are already in the middle of October - time has sure been flying by so quick! I am still going to the gym on a daily basis. I really enjoy going all the time and the volunteers really enjoy chatting with me (while I work out!). I am still thinking of becoming a volunteer - as there are only 7 at the moment. I guess I just really need to figure out a job first.

Every Tuesday morning I am now going on a group walk in the village.  This walk just started a few weeks ago. Last week was quite fun as we found blackberry bushes!

I will do my best to start-up blogging daily! I gotta keep my friends & family informed about my journey!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Chaos - But it is all over!

Hello friends -

What a whirl wind it has been these past few weeks. Sorry I haven't had time to update you on my journey. Well to make a story short my visa expires October 3rd this year. I have filed for an extension (Craig was/is a huge help in the process!) and if I am granted this visa I get to live here for 2 more years.

In other news I have joined a club that meets every Wednesday here in West Rainton. While still looking for a job I have signed up with Jubilee Hall to get out of the house and meet some people in the community.

On Wednesday of this week we saw Runner Runner. Good film.