Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 45 (June 28 2012)

Wow I actually slept good tonight. Good Morning Reading! Woke up and took a quick shower - Ben and I had some toast for breakfast. Ben went off to work and I was able to sleep a little longer - go online - and get dressed.  Ben's  mom dropped me off at the station. I took a direct train to Swindon - there was only one stop.  Once I arrived at the station I caught a cab to Kembrey Inn - to have some lunch.  I met 3 nice ladies sitting next to my table . We chatted about Swindon and other topics. After they left I finished my meal and walked to Equi=Media - 2nd interview went well. I didn't really know what to expect as I have never been to a 2nd interview myself. They just wanted to ask some further questions about me - talk more about the job etc. Finished at 3 - walked back to Kembrey Inn and called a taxi to pick me up. It was the orginal taxi driver from the train station - quite interesting - it was a female! Yep - got along with her quite well! I have never seen a female cabi.Took train back to Reading - and walked to the Oracle.  Had an iced chai latte at Cafe Nero. We then went out for Indian at Bengal Reef - really quite good food. After dinner we went into the town centre to buy tissues - hayfever medication etc. Drove back to his parents house. Relaxed and watched some TV.
Looked up directions for my interview tomorrow. Did a little research. All prepared with questions. 

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 44 (June 27 2012)

Good morning friends - ugh! Another early wake up due to a stuffy nose. I'm not quite sure if this is due to my hayfever or gravity? I've cleaned the bedroom really thoroughly on the weekend.I was talking to a friend of mine on Twitter whose a doctor and can you believe this our nose constantly makes snot - a litre a day! Yuck right? Had breakfast this morning outside - toast along with yogurt.  Took a shower and got dressed - Craig dropped me off at the Park & Ride. I boarded the 8.37am train to Kings Cross. Arrived to Kings Cross around 11.40 - headed off to the tube. I was planning on going to this informational interview for a startup company but I got a phone call for an interview near Farringdon this afternoon.  Stopped at Starbucks for a change of clothes and iced chai latte.At 2.30 I met with Mel - Account Manager of Cubaka Digital. They didn;t have any openings - but just wanted to get to know me and keep my details on file. Really fun and great location! Once that was over - I headed to Camden Town to meet @JamesNorris - and he offered some great advice. Suggested a few people I contact - also mentioned to me to look into events going on in London (great way to meet people).After that I headed back to the tube towards Paddington.  Bought a single ticket and arrived to Reading around 5.30. Ben picked me up. Went to his parents house - unpacked and had dinner. Now we are just watching Coronation Street.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Photo Collage of my journey

Day 43 (June 26 2012)

Ugh! Such a sleepless night I had. Today wasn't really too eventful. Here is a summary of my day

  • Had scrambled eggs for breakfast along with OJ 
  • Turned on some music and started job hunting
  • Did 1 load of laundry
  • Attended tweetchat #YorkshireJobsHour from noon to 1pm. Very helpful - got 3 job leads via this group chat. 
  • Lunch consisted of chicken sandwich and water (not fancy)
  • Finished packing for Reading this week 
  • Walked to the post office to drop off some postcards
  • Had a delicious dinner by Craig tonight - here is his fancy cuisine -
  •  Watched Gordon Behind Bars
  • Received an email this evening about an opportunity to have an interview in London - so that will be exciting!
night friends!


Hello friends! I just wanted to write a reflection post about my journey so far and the progress I have been making.  As many people know I am an American trying to pursue my dream to find work in England (I really like Scotland and Wales - but just feel more at ease with England) - Not many of you might not know I left all my self employment back home - left my friends and my family - took ALL of my savings (roughly under $3k) and hopped on a plane to pursue my search. I am really so grateful to Craig - he has been a huge saint! I do my best every week to contribute money as well helping around the house  Plus the awesome part is he is a great cook!

When looking back at my workplaces - my parents have helped me with my job search. As an only child my parents are my best friends - so this whole journey has been hard as I don't have them with me for support - I am on my own and that has been scary.

When I look back on the job interviews I have gotten (roughly 7) in under 1 1/2 months - is quite impressive! Yes two of them were actually through networking but the rest I have actually found on my own. My parents got me into contacting companies directly via email - which I did and it has worked! - Though I am a bit bummed out recruiters haven't been more helpful.

 As I continue to pursue more job interviews and keep on applying I am trying to remain positive.It can be frusterating getting the occasional rejection emails - but I don't let that bother me! Their loss!

Once I land my first job things will get easier for me.

Day 42 (June 25 2012)

Good Morning Friends! Can you believe this is the last week of June? Where has this summer gone by? Am ready to get back in the game of job hunting after my interviews last week. No rest for the weak they say - and I can totally understand that. Always hard to get back into that groove. Well I started my morning with toast and scrambled eggs. From 8am to 12 I kept on applying for more jobs - following up with some networking friends.  Had lunch - consisted of pasta with spinach and pine nuts I then decided to go into town because I needed to purchase my ticket to London for Wednesday. Took the bus (nice thing about where Craig lives the bus stop is only 5 minute walk).  First I went to buy my train ticket - then into town I went. I just went to Cafe Nero for a chai latte then surfed the web. Purchased some stamps for a few postcards I have back at the house.  Before heading back I stopped at Tesco Express and purchased some dry shampoo - Batiste. I really hope it works - Just an impulse purchase. Came home and did some more job searching - then watched some TV (A break come on I deserve it!) . Once Craig came home from work we had a little while to chill before dropping me off at Zumba. Zumba starts at 7-8 every Monday night - really great instructor - plus its only 5ish minutes drive. Here is info on Sarah -
After Craig picked me up - we went back home to have a nice dinner consisting of rice, chicken and chips.

Monday 25 June 2012

Day 41(June 24 2012)

I can't believe another weekend is just wrapping up.  Nice to relax and just chill today.
The day wasn't really exciting to all my readers - but here is an outline

  • Big day for Craig - for F1 - Go Ferrari! (Which Alonso won 1st place)
  • Craig made a nice veggie and noodle dish for lunch
  • Went into town in the afternoon to buy some toiletries, etc
  • Had a nice Starbucks break
  • I was introduced to flapjacks today - soo addictive! :( 
  • Had a burger for dinner

Saturday 23 June 2012

Day 40 (June 23 2012)

Wow! I can't believe how busy these past few days have been. I really love going down to Reading - but always great to be back home in Durham (I think that makes sense). Just since I have lived in Durham since mid May - I have called it my home.  Well apparently neither Ben nor I slept much - as I was having stuffy noses due to hayfever (ugh!) - we went for a drive around 5am. Yep! Perfect driving time as nobody was on the roads. One of Ben's hobbies is archery - so we went to this range for awhile and I got to watch him :D
After that we drove a little while then I became super hungry - so the only place that was open was McDonalds (I hardly ever go there but the breakfast wrap was so delicious!) . We then went back to his parents house to sleep.  Then later we headed off to the Oracle to buy a few things for my train journey ( 4 1/2 hours (but I didn't have to change in London).
I bought a magazine - phone card plus ear buds for my trip.  We had lunch at Yo Sushi! Always yummy! I really need to take pictures of the sushi and upload it to my blog.
Ben drove me to the station - walked inside with me. Got to the platform and found an empty/unreserved seat.  6:30 - Craig picked me up. I suggested we go get dinner in town. Didn't know what we were hungry for so I suggested us popping into Starbucks to grab a hot drink. Later we decided to eat  at Nando's - I had a nice yummy chicken burger with cheese and pineapple mmm! With garlic bread on the side along with corn on the cob with water to drink. Craig had a chicken pita sandwich with chips and coleslaw. Once we left - we then went to Tesco Express -- got a few drinks - some toiletries etc.
Came home - unpacked - took a shower - watched Euro 2012 Spain vs. France

Day 39 (June 22 2012)

Short posting for Friday

  • Nice to sleep in after a busy Thursday
  • Went to Oracle with Ben - also we were going to go to a movie but decided later not to as I have already see 5 year engagement
  • Applied for some jobs online
  • Returned a phone call to this woman that I applied for a job earlier - Support Assistant position at SIGN-UP.TO - so she set up an interview time next Friday.
  • Shared tapas at La Tasca with Ben
  • Met a few of his friends for a drink

Friday 22 June 2012

Day 38 (June 21 2012)

Good morning! Sorry for the delay post. Yesterday was quite a busy day.
In order to stay up to date with my postings - I will just list my day out in order:

  • Woke up around 6am - showered - ate breakfast. Ben and I left at 7 for Swindon
  • Interview went great - at an industrial park - lots of office buildings. Met with 2 lovely ladies - very friendly. I had a personality test then math test immediately. After the interview I walked over to this pub where Ben had breakfast at.
  • Left around 10am to go back to Reading and park the car to get on train for London
  •  Once we arrived at Paddington - we took the tube to Liverpool Street
  • My next interview was at 1pm - really great! 2 ladies - actually interesting Amanda is from Minnesota but now lives in London so that was fun to talk about. I would be a Community Manager  
  • At 2 - I walked over to this pub Ben was at while I was away
  •  Walked to the Spitafields Market - had lunch at Wagamama
  • Got an email from Equi=Media asking for a 2nd interview. So I was so excited for that! jumping up down as you can imagine. It is for Thursday next week. 
  • Headed back to Paddington to catch train to Reading
  • Had dinner at Malmaison Hotel - really posh restaurant (should have taken pictures of the food) 
  • Night

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 37 (June 20 2012)

Happy Wednesday! Gosh I slept like crap boo! For some reason I've been getting stuffy noses in the morning. Grr well I was up at 6 so I immediately went downstairs and made myself sone toast and with a cup of plain yogurt w Weetabix crushed as a topping. I got everything ready for my trip - got dressed (took shower last night) - once Craig got up and dressed we hopped into Scarlett (I'll get a photo this weekend so u know what we looks like) - and since the weather was so nice he put the top down. Scarlett zoomed to the park & ride where Craig dropped me off. Arrived to train station around 8ish - bought a bottle of water as I had to climb a lot of stairs. London train on time. Arrived around 11.30am to Kings Cross. Once I arrived I texted @kiog.he couldn't get off work til after 12. I then added £5 to my oyster card (debit card to ride the Underground) - so I took the city and hammersmith line to great Portland street. Once I arrived I waited outside the station and got a text from him asking if I could walk down Oxford Street.

We had lunch at Nando's - I had a nice chicken burger.
Afterwards we walked to starbucks - got a drink
then he had to leave to go back to work.  I then took the City and Hammersmith line to Baker Street - once there I was able to change to the Bakerloo line.  I decided to go straight to Paddington (as I couldn't really be bothered putting more money on my oyster card). Had a Starbucks -  and went online for awhile. Walked to search for a post office - mailed some postcards.
Took the 5pm train to Reading. Ben picked me up. We then went to The Oracle to eat at Yo Sushi .
We then hopped back in the car and did a test drive to Swindon for my 8.30am interview.


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Day 36 (June 19 2012)

Boy did I sleep good! Zumba sure feels great. I am going to continue going every Monday night.  What I found out recently no matter where I get a job offer there is always a Zumba being offered close by :D I just didn't want to get out of bed. I was so not ready to start the day. Craig left for work and I made breakfast (scrambled eggs).  Here is a summary of my day:
  • Applied for more jobs
  • Had leftovers for lunch (pasta with diced peppers)
  • Sat outside (sunny day)
  • Got London Interview on Thursday (was hoping Wednesday but oh well)
  • Finished packing
  • Craig took me to a ATM (cashpoint) so I could get money for my trip

Day 35 (June 18 2012)

Good Morning - oh wait! I woke up at 3:30am tossing and turning - still I am not on UK body timezone? Grrr! Well I tried to go back to bed but was really unsuccessful. I'm ready for another full adventure week of job hunting Wooohooo! After Craig headed off to work - I made myself a quick breakfast then booted up the laptop. Here is my summary of my day:

  • Applied to more job postings
  • signed up with more recruiters 
  • had an informational phone chat about a possible social media job - really nice guy. 
  • received 2 rejection emails from Giff Gaff & Harvest Digital : (  
  • Had lunch (Butternut Squash soup along with some bread)
  • Scored an interview for Thursday in Swindon :D (before I came to England my parents suggested I contact digital enterprises direct - so that meant A LOT of googling and sending out emails with cover letters) well another one of them paid off! The company is Equi=Media - they have an opening on their social media team. So I am really pumped up that
  • Contacted Ben about staying over in Reading and he said that would be fine (Reading is 45 minutes from Swindon so see map attached) 

  • Started packing 
  • I may have a possible interview on Wednesday for a Community Manager Role in London
  • Meeting Kieran (A twitter friend) for lunch 
  • folded all the laundry
  • Went to my first Zumba class - in a village near Sunderland
  • Had dinner - creamy pasta with chicken.
  • Movie 
One of my Twitter Followers @ThePaulSutton wrote a really nice tweet that I wanted to share on my blog

Monday 18 June 2012

Day 34 (June 17 2012)

Happy Father's Day! How I wish I was back home celebrating with my parents - but I did send a card through the post and e-card. Woke up around 9am and went downstairs to make some scrambled eggs. I really need to learn how to cook much more. Today Craig decided he wanted to go into work for a few hours - so that meant figuring out what I should do. He gave me a few options - go to Durham (where he would drop me off) - Sunderland ("  " ) or just stay home job hunting. I really take this whole 'job hunting' very serious - But I decided to take a break.  We hopped into Scarlett (will include a photo of her ASAP) and were off to Sunderland. Usually when going to another city - I try to research what there is to do there (Yep not today for me) - So I was dropped off and just walked straight ahead not knowing where the shopping center was.

I arrived at The Bridges - and went straight into Starbucks. Gave me time to research what there was to do in Sunderland along with charge up my iPad2 :D - I found out the library wasn't so far away and I thought that would help time pass by fast - but apparently it is closed on Sundays I found out : (
I went to go buy some postcards - had lunch at Cafe Nero.

Then I went to the Museum Gardens. REally fun! It was part museum and part rainforest. Very exciting. Craig picked me up a little before 3.
Got home and just chilled. Decided to go out for dinner as the chicken went off from the fridge.

Saturday 16 June 2012

day 33 ( June 16 2012 )

Big yawn - good morning England! Looks like it will be a great day. Decided to be lazy so stayed in bed a bit longer. Had a quick bowl of cereal then shower. Got dressed. Went downstairs to watch Queens official birthday on tv with Craig. Very fancy watching the parade - carriages etc. We stayed in most of the day as Craig was expecting a package - so that meant finding other things to do to pass time
  • go online
  •  wash dishes 
  • hang the laundry 
  • prepare lunch (I had a bowl of butternut squash soup) 
  • watched Craig play on his xBox Around 3ish his package arrived.

 He ordered a hard drive (computer part) to view windows 8. Left the house around 4pm and drove to park&ride to see the Olympic torch in Durham.

Had a Starbucks - walked around. Here are some photos of the Olympic Torch Parade:

Here are the sponsors:
                                                           Coca Cola - Samsung and Lloyds TSB

Showing my British Pride :D 

Next photos are taken by Craig 

This photo has a purpose - watch out for this undercover car 

7.15pm and watched Horton Hears A Who

Day 32 (June 15 2012)

Good morning Friday! Weekend is here! Wow I can't believe I have been in England for a whole month so far. Time sure does fly. Got up and had breakfast.

  • Had a skype interview regarding a Community Manager position 
  • Had another skype interview today for an administrative assistant position for London 2012 (which later in the day I didn't get)
  • Did a load of wash
  • Walked to the post office to mail some postcards
  • I had an informational phone chat set up for Monday next week regarding a position (don't know much about it)
  • Craig and I shared tapas at La Tasca 
  • Watched You, Me and Dupree

Friday 15 June 2012

Day 31 (June 14 2012)

Good morning friends! Today is another fun filled adventure of me applying for jobs - but first I am must wake up! Craig is off to London with work for the day and won't be back til later tonight. Every morning I wake up around 7am - take a shower and get dressed immediately. I usually have toast with Damson or a bowl of Weetabix Minis. Applied for jobs - contacted a few recruiters for follow ups.  Had a nice Mexican Chicken and Rice dish for lunch. Had a phone interview for a Web and Community Manager position at NaturalMotion Ltd, which went really well. Walked over to the post office to mail 2 post cards (had to get out of the house to relax). Back to applying for more jobs - turned on some music. Danced around the house in a goofy silly manner (Don't tell Craig) - Received an email confirmation regarding a phone interview for Friday (see job description) [If I get the job I would have to pack up everything and go to London for 3 months - to start on Monday]  I was on my own for dinner - so I made a sandwich (Chicken and Sweetcorn) with water as my choice of beverage. Sat outside in the sun listening to music.

Watched some TV - Craig came back. Then we watched a movie Just Go With It

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 30 (June 13 2012)

Happy Wednesday! This means the weekend is near : )
Unfortunately my day wasn't really exciting - so I will just list off what I did today

  • applied for more jobs - searched up #londonjobs on Twitter
  • had rice and chicken for lunch
  • Wrote out a few postcards - wanted to mail them - but post office was closed. 
  • talked to a recruiter on the phone in the afternoon regarding a social media job in London which sounds promising
  • Orange Wednesday - Craig and I saw Rock of Ages. Really great film. Alec Baldwin (who is a fav of mine! + Catherine Zeta Jones are in it)
  • Went food shopping at ASDA
  • Applied for a few jobs I found through Twitter
  • Bed

Day 29 (June 12 2012)

Happy Tuesday! So nice to relax a little in the morning - not having to go anywhere immediately. Got up and made myself breakfast. Booted up Sony Vaio and started my job hunting. Applied with more recruiters, some specific jobs and agencies.

- had a phone interview at 11am with a social media marketing agency. To summarize it they were looking for an Account Exec role - which they said I wouldn't be a fit to. She was really nice and suggested other agencies to contact regarding social media community manager roles.

- made scrambled eggs for lunch

- more job hunting
(had 2 calls today from recruiters) 1) wanted to learn more about me etc and the other one 2) called me to say they had a Digital Marketing Officer job they wanted to pass my CV onto their client based in South Shields.

- This evening I had the opportunity to networking with a friend of friend of parents.  My parents friend has a contact/friend living in England that I am able to meet with at Starbucks this evening. Interesting enough - he lived in Minnesota for quite some time for school. 

- Funny enough when I was just ordering my drink - he was actually behind me. I asked him how did he know it was me (even though I sent him an email of what I was wearing) - my sneakers gave it away I guess. 

- He offered some great advice about tweaking my CV - ordering business cards.

- He said we should connect on LinkedIn

- He would look over his contacts.

Said goodbye and thank you. Took bus back to Craig's house.  Had a nice stir fry.

Wrote a thank you e-card to Dan

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 28 (June 11 2012)

Ready for another full week of job hunting. Goodbye Reading and hello London!
Took the train early Monday morning to London Paddington.  Because I arrived early I had time to grab a chai latte and go on my iPad. Then I had to take the tube to my 11am interview with a recruiter which was really helpful! Though she didn't have any positions at the moment - I am really glad that I met Clare. Afterwards I put back on my sneakers and opened my umbrella (HUGE RAIN PUDDLES EVERYWHERE). I had a few more hours to grab a lunch and go online before my 3pm interview over at Harvest Digital - Oxford Circus area. This was for a receptionist position - went really well. Learned about their organization and how the receptionist is the glue to keep everyone together. After that finished I took the tube back to Kings Cross. Got on the train and arrived back into Durham around 7.40pm.

First thing I did once Craig picked me up is I unpacked and sorted out my laundry.
So good to be back - especially when I have a physical laptop to use with an actual keyboard :D

Rest of this week - I have two phone interviews.


Day 27 (June 10 2012)

Short entry summary (as I am behind on postings)

- went out for breakfast with Ben
-job searched (I had 2 interviews lined up for London on Monday)
- had a networking with @katiecolbourne in the evening to talk about opportunities - my CV etc
- packed my bags and set clothes out for Monday morning
- had dinner at pizza hut

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 26 (June 9 2012)

Happy Saturday! So nice to sleep in. Once Ben got dressed - we headed off to the Oracle for breakfast. Apparently nothing was opened when we arrived - so we went to Cafe Nero for a hot drink (I had a Chai Latte and Ben was the typical Brit with having tea).  Then we had a nice breakfast at Cote - I had a nice spinach and eggs hollidase - with english muffins. Then we headed off to Marks and Spencers as Ben needed an outfit for the wedding. Then we headed to the barbers as he wanted a quick haircut. Then went back to his friends house. This gave me an opportunity to job hunt (I did a google search for social media recruiting England & administrative recruiting England) - so I sent my details to a lot of agencies. Ben tried on his shirt but it was too tight - so after an hour or so we headed back into town. Went to M&S to exchange his shirt - and headed off to John Lewis. He wanted to buy a gift voucher for Richard and Sarah (the bride and groom) for this wedding tonight. I noticed this cool wall design there near the toilets and I wanted to have my photo taken (I know odd right?)
When we were leaving - I wanted to try on some fancy hats. Here are some of the fashionable ones - not sure if they suit me.

Went back to rest and then got changed for the wedding.

 Wedding was a blast - out in the countryside. I met lots of Bens friends. Good music - food and drinks.

Night! zzzzzz

Day 25 (June 8 2013)

Ugh! I Didn't sleep good. Happy Friday everyone! Got dressed and had a quick breakfast. Ben offered to take me to the train station before work. Took train to London Paddington - putzed around for awhile then took tube to Marylebone station - hung around there for awhile then took train to Beaconsfield (for my interview) - Once I reached Beaconsfield I had 2 hours to spare so I went to a nice restaurant for lunch. Ordered a nice hamburger and lemonade - went to interview (located in a cottage style building behind a church) - I got there early so what the heck - but I had to wait a little as there wasn't a room open. Interview went well. They are wrapping things up at the moment. Enjoyed my time there. Walked to train station. Hung around Paddington for awhile until Ben was nearly off work. Took train from Reading - he then picked me up. Went to his friends house to freshen up - then we went to a nice pub for dinner with his parents.

Friday 8 June 2012

Day 24 (June 7 2012)

Good Morning Sheffield! So sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag wasn't all that bad.  After Ali and Guy got up - we had a quick breakfast and had to drop him off at work. Then Ali and I went to MeadowHall (Mall) to do some shopping (I only bought a top) - then she walked me to the train station. I took the train back to Doncaster and hopped on a London Kings Cross train. Once the train reached final destination I then took the Hammersmith & City line to Paddington. Walked to Cafe Nero (like a starbucks) to get a chai latte - went online. I received an email regarding a job at a digital agency and they have invited me for an interview this upcoming Monday. I then took the 17:00 train to Reading. Ben met me in the car park. We drove back to his friends house - where I could crash for the next few days. Afterwards we left for dinner (similar to Ichiban) where it was sushi on a conveyerbelt. So addicting! We then decided to find out where my job interview was going to be for Friday. So we took a road trip to Beaconsfield - and my gosh it was like a village once I got there. It was dark and cold and nobody knew where GiffGaff was. In the end we found it.
Went back and went to bed.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Day 23 (June 6 2012)

So nice to have a short week! 10 years ago I graduated from Edina high school - time has just flown by. Also this would have been Papa's birthday (my grandfather on my moms side) I so really miss him! Also this is a short week for Craig too. He was so kind enough in the morning to drop me off at the park n ride (which drops me off near train station) as I stayed overnight in Sheffield with a friend of a friend  at York st John I met Jenny who lived in limes with me in 2005 - to make it a short story I stumbled upon Alisha (@apuskiD and she knows Jen - so once I came to England I wanted to meet her. My train went from Durham with 1 change at Doncaster to Sheffield. Ali picked me up. Got in her car. Drove to a pub called the York for lunch - had nice veggie sandwich. Afterwards we headed to a museum which was a blast as they had various exhibits where we could dress up in costume etc - saw lots of stuffed real animals :( Then we went to Starbucks - Ali's first time (shocking I know but she's a tea drinker) - we then drove back to their flat (she lives w a fella named Guy) - watched some tv on the computer - had pizza - then I suggested orange Wednesday and we saw What To Expect When You're Expecting - great funny film. Then we took a taxi to her friends house -Laura. We went to hers to get a blow up mattress but just ended up me using a sleeping bag. Came back to Ali's and watched some tv programs. Met Guy - very nice. Then off to bed.

 Photos will be added to this post once I get ona pc/laptop

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 21 & 22 (June 4th and 5th 2012)

This weekend we celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen. Banks and Post Offices are closed. Craig has had both days off. Here is a summary of my two days.

- applying for jobs online
- sitting out in the sun
- going to town both days for miscellaneous
- enjoying watching Jubilee concert on TV

Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 20 (June 2 2012)

Good Morning! A day to myself as Craig went to visit his family.
Summary of the days events:

- applied for jobs
- did 2 loads of laundry
- in evening went out for dinner with Craig to a nice pub.
had veggie lasagne. Mmmm.

Day 19 (June 1 2012)

Short Summary of the day:

- applied for jobs
- networked on SKYPE with a friend - @pcmcreative 
which was really helpful as she offered me advice/found some contacts of hers that are located near Durham.
- went to town to deposit money at HSBC - walked around for awhile
- ordered Indian Take away for the evening.
- watched TV

Friday 1 June 2012

Day 18 (May 31 2012)

Happy Friday! Another short summary of my day

- applied for jobs

- had a phone chat with Danielle Moon (@danniilmoon) -
This was mainly a networking where she wanted to know more about me - what I was looking for and how she had some contacts she could connect me with. We also connected via LinkedIn.

-  Continued networking with my friends online.